Oppenheimer and boredom relativity

Oppenheimer e a relatividade do tédio

A short synopsis of Oppenheimer (2023) fits into a short sentence: three hours of refined human stupidity. When military personnel or political stakeholders come into play, the dialogues are so absurd that they seem like fiction. Only problem is, as it turns out, it’s all very real.

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Cinematish: resenhas rápidas para mentes ocupadas

Se você gosta de cinema, não tem mais tempo para ver todos os filmes que gostaria e escreve em inglês, junte-se ao novo coletivo Cinematish. Resenhas rápidas de filmes que valem a pena e nem sempre disponíveis na locadora da esquina. A descrição oficial é: Cinematish is made especially for people (probably like you) who don’t have enough time to watch movies anymore. If you also keep count of your life by work-hours and still want to enjoy a good movie here and then, pick one of our reviews here at Cinematish.com

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Used and Refurbished Tires Still Finding Their Way Through Latin America

Paulo Rebêlo, as guest blogger Greentech Media (link) 31.mar.2009 The Supreme Court in Brazil is once again struggling to decide the import of used tires from other countries, especially from the United States and the European Union. And once again, the process is temporarily halted in order to be “properly” analyzed by the Court members. Some of them have already voted. A new final decision is expected to come out soon. This is a decade-long issue with no proper results to date.

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Things I will miss

Paulo Rebêlo The Budapest Sun – 13.junho.2007 link original After almost one year living in Budapest, if someone asks me to make a list of what I have learned or what most caught my attention, it would be a problem to fit everything in this space. What I know for sure is what I will miss, some things more than others, of course. Usually, what catches your attention is not something necessarily good or bad, but the unexpected. And the first thing to catch my attention, completely unexpectedly, was the different treatment you get being a foreigner and being a Hungarian.

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The ties of bureaucracy

Paulo RebêloThe Budapest Sun – 09.maio.2007 – link original Excessive bureaucracy is part of eastern Europe folklore. You will always find yourself in a situation when a bureaucrat is behind a desk and you’re the next in line. He’ll make a fuss about forms and different offices you should go, sometimes related to small and insignificant things that do not make sense at all.

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Black coffee, white devil

Paulo Rebêlo ( email ) The Budapest Sun – 11 .April. 2007 link original Those that say there is a coffee tradition in Budapest are not telling the truth. At least not exactly. That does not mean to say they are lying. Most probably they just do not appreciate coffee enough to realize how difficult it is to find good coffee around here. Or maybe they are not as addicted as the average Latin American.

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